Troubleshooting vRealize Operations Networking

vRealize Operations

One of the first steps when troubleshooting vROps is to ensure that the correct ports are open.

This is best done via SSH, so first of all, enable that via the admin screen and log in as root (you did set a root password didn’t you? If not go do that now via the vSphere Console)

Port Checking

echo -e "\e[4;1;37mNode Connectivity Check..\e[0m"; for port in {80,123,443,6061} {10000..10010} {20000..20010}; do (echo >/dev/tcp/OTHERNODE_IPADDRESS/$port) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo -e "\e[1;32mport $port connectivity test successful\e[0m" || echo -e "\e[1;31mport $port connectivity test failure\e[0m";done

copy and paste the above, changing the endpoint IP Address, to get a nice simple output for the usual ports required between the nodes.

Full details of the ports and directions below:

If you want to test a single port you can use curl

curl -v telnet://OTHERNODE_IPADDRESS:443

Latency Checking

grep clusterMembership /storage/db/casa/webapp/hsqldb/casa.db.script | sed -n 1'p' | tr ',' '\n' | grep ip_address | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\"//g' | while read nodeip; do echo -n "$nodeip avg latency: " && ping -c 10 -i 0.2 $nodeip | grep rtt | cut -d '/' -f 5; done

This command will collect the names of all the nodes in the cluster and ping them, outputting the latency to each node

vCenter Connectivity Checking

echo -e "\e[1;31mvCENTER CONNECTIVITY:\e[0m" >> $HOSTNAME-status.txt;M0RE="y";while [ "$M0RE" == "y" ];do echo $MORE;while read -p 'Enter vCenter F_Q_D_N or I_P: ' F_Q_D_N && [[ -z "$F_Q_D_N" ]] ; do echo 'F_Q_D_N or I_P cannot be blank';done;curl -k https://$F_Q_D_N >> /dev/null;if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo $F_Q_D_N 'Connectivity Test Successful' >> $HOSTNAME-status.txt;else echo $F_Q_D_N 'Connectivity Test Failed' >> $HOSTNAME-status.txt;fi; nslookup $F_Q_D_N >> $HOSTNAME-status.txt; echo -n "Check M0RE y or n: " && read M0RE;done;

This command will ask for an input and then perform a connectivity test to the supplied vCenter


If you need to quickly check if the adapters have been distributed to all the nodes, run the following command to check the plugins folder size


du -h --max-depth=1